
Essential Oil Blogs

Top 5 Ways to Use Fragrance Oil on Skin
Stress relievers such as eating sweets and engaging in journaling, meditation, and music therapy are usually your go-to solutions. However, the same old habits may seem repetitive, and these techniques could...
Pheromone Infused Scents for Women
Most women have a hard time meeting and dating men nowadays. Dating apps are polluted, and online dating can get awkward quickly. The best way to break the ice on dates is through a great scent that can piqu...
10 Self Care Tips to Smell Good in the Morning

We all know how hard it is to find time for ourselves to take care of our bodies properly. But, unfortunately, between work and other commitments, we often neglect ourselves. We want to fix that and provide you with ten self-care tips to help you feel great in the morning. Learn quick and easy ways to smell great in the morning by working on your self-care routine...

Choosing Fragrance oil Perfumery Based on Your Zodiac Signs
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Or better yet, take the initiative to experiment by adding your signature scent through zodiac-based perfumes. Read on to see a list of easy peasy perfumery hacks that match each zodiac sign...
10 Tips for Making Your Car Smell Good Before a Date

There are tons of new products for a car that smells “date-ready.” But sometimes, a car smell isn’t just about the smell. There might be a lurking culprit in the unseen space causing the smell. The best solution is by using a car freshies and another odor eliminator.

Follow these curated tips, and be amazed at how great your car smells before...

How to Smell Good at the Gym: Best Workout Tip

It's a struggle for many people to look attractive when they're sweating it out at the gym. They're tempted to use weird products or wear bad clothes, but most gym-goers know it's not worth the effort. Use this easy-to-follow workout tip! We’ll make sure that...

How to Smell Good All Day (Checklist Edition)
It is impossible to smell like a "spring bouquet" all day. It becomes challenging to do as the day ends with a lot of activity. So most people resort to perfume or cologne with fresher fragrance oil in the scent. But using too much can worsen it. Here are 20 checklist on how to smell good all day...
Tea Tree and Coconut Oil for Tattoos: Learn How to Use Oils for Tattoo Aftercare Treatment
If you're not a fan of typical tattoo aftercare treatments & are looking for a natural alternative, you can use tea tree essential oil. This oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, perfect to soothe your fresh tattoos. Furthermore, coconut oil can moisturize your skin, making your tattoos remain bright and colorful for a long time. Using this oil blend can replace your store-bought antibacterial ointment...
How to Use Natural Avocado Oil for Leather Care
Read how to use avocado oil for leather care, cleaning and conditioning at BargzUSA. Utilizing this natural oil for leather conditioning makes for a safe and easy way to take care of your leather furniture, shoes and more. Learn how to use essential oils for leather care at BargzUSA.
Essential Oils For Hair Growth: Learn About What Essentials Oils Are The Best For Hair Growth, Thickness, Length, and More
Let’s face it. It is true that our hair is our crown. We feel more confident when we have nice hair. We feel down during what we call a “bad hair day.” There are actually many ways to achieve the kind of glo...